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"In These Stones, Horizons Sing."

"That's what it says? That's really pretty."

"It can be."

"No, it is!"

She was adamant. Adamant and happy. Both were qualities he lacked.

"I've lost mommy. Can you stay with me until she comes back?"

Sure, kid. What's your name?"

She looked confused.

"You know my nam

I was going to say I didn't, but she looked hurt by the idea that I didn't know, and said nothing.


"Would you carry me? The floor's hard and I'm tired of standing and walking."

"I don't think your mum would like that."

She giggled. It was a foreign noise, something he hadn't heard in a long time. It struck a chord, both out of nostalgia and of something else.

"Mum'd never get funny about it with you you silly! Pleeeeaaassseeee?"

There was something in her voice, the way she pleaded so sweetly that I found I couldn't deny her. I reached down and put my hands under her arms. Hoisting her up and onto my hip, one arm under her legs, the other softly securing her waist.

"Yaaay!" She whispered quietly, and I found myself smiling.


"In these stones, horizons sing. Do you remember the time I sang for you daddy?"


She reached out, ran a
featherweight hand through the hair above my ear and suddenly I did. I did remember. I remembered what hadn't yet happened.

"How, how do I remember-"

"Because you're my daddy, daddy."

She beamed at me, her eyes filled with that look I didn't recognise, but still felt pooring from my own toward her.

"You could never forget me. I know you couldn't."

She turned away and looked out at the horizon, watching the sunset and something else.

"I have to go now. Mummy's waking me up for school. I'll see you when you're home from work Daddy! I love you!"

She, like the old man before her, started fading like mist in my arms, beaming all the while.

"Celeste! no baby don't go please!"

It was too late. She was already the breeze between my fingers.
